Take Me Back Again Vocal Few Lyrics

Vocal Few, The Dream Alive EP


Vocal Few
The Dream Alive EP

Artist Info: Discography
Genre(south): Acoustic / Vocalizer-Songwriter / Folk
Album length: vi tracks: 23 minutes, 23 seconds
Street Appointment: Oct xxx, 2015


Having merely started in 2011, Vocal Few has quickly established themselves as one of the finest vocalizer/songwriter duos with their She'll Be Alright EP in 2012 and the follow up Tall Trees EP in 2013. Now on their third EP, entitled The Dream Live, hubby and wife Matt and Kristie MacDonald take an even more bare basic approach with Matt playing audio-visual guitar and Kristie on keys, simply absolute with modest doses of cello, handclaps, and percussion shakers. While this simplistic instrumentation is an attractive element of the duo's audio, it's their vocals that depict yous in with Matt'due south veiled majestic singing complemented by Kristie'southward beautiful, relaxing voice.

Dissimilar "We'll Make It Someday" and "This Road," "The Corner Dwellers" quietly opens the EP as a social commentary virtually society's perception of the homeless. From the solitary audio of cars driving through the pelting in the intro to beingness washed in melancholy vocals at the end, the vocal pulls you into their world, challenging you to think and deed more than compassionately towards those who are deemed outsiders by order. "Fourth dimension" is a fleck more upbeat, simply just as weighty. With lyrics like "if our lives get boiled down to who what when where and how / then nix exterior of now tin ever last," it forces you to reflect on the temporality of our fourth dimension on earth and what matters most in your life. From its even-keeled verses to its slower bridge, "Time" highlights the emotional touch of how Matt and Kristie change the tempo and music to friction match what they are maxim. They also use a few rhymes and a lot more than near-rhymes hither and throughout the EP, making the songs gorgeously fluid.

Continuing with the deep lyrical content, "Take Me Back Again" captures the struggle of perpetually slipping into sin, and God'due south faithfulness to take us back in our humility and repentance. The title-rails changes the tone of the EP, mainly due to its bright acoustic guitar riff and synthesized hand-claps. It'south the only poppy song on the EP but it is non as catchy or idea-provoking as "Misunderstood" from their Tall Trees EP. "Y'all've Been Written" returns to the steady pace from the outset half of the EP. The chorus here features the best harmonization between the couple, making for a sweet moment on the EP. The Dream Alive closes with the slower "Blue," transparently digging into Kristie's brokenness from Matt'southward perspective, using the word blue as a poetic and powerful style of communicating low: "love is supposed to exist the thing that remains, but everything changes when you bleed blue."

Though this anthology is fantastic, at that place is still room for improvement, namely the songs' tendency to run together and the lack of true stand-outs, like "I 24-hour interval Soon" and "Misunderstood." But what the album lacks in highlights it largely makes up for in its overall sturdiness. Also, the poignancy and simplicity of The Dream Live makes each repeated listen more rewarding than the last. With each of their EP'due south providing a fleshed out and tangible sense of their phase of life and emotional land, The Dream Alive is some other stellar entry for an exciting artist.

- Review appointment: 10/xviii/15, written by Christopher Smith of Jesusfreakhideout.com

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JFH Staff's 2d Opinion

If yous haven't heard about "The Song Few" nevertheless, I've got to tell you: you've been missing out. The Classic Crime's Matt MacDonald and his married woman Kristie get on the piano, grab an acoustic guitar, and make some of the best tunes around, and The Dream Alive is no different. Most songs during the six-track ensemble could exist defined as idea-provoking tunes where Matt and Kristie share the vocals and blend beautifully. "The Corner Dwellers" and "Time" follow that mentioned pattern, with the former near the demand for promise in despair, and the latter reminding united states of america of how quickly life passes us by.

In the middle of the album, the duo offers the title track, a lite fun-filled pop song which serves as a nice suspension from the seriousness of life. It's a keen love song that fits perfectly on this EP. Ending the EP out is "You've Been Written" and "Blue," which softly draw united states dorsum to the inner thoughts and lives of the musicians. My only criticism would be that "Have Me Back Over again" offers a very true tale of the harshness of life and bad choices, but fails to offering any answers, leaving me wanting that resolution to life's bug. Despite that, this is nonetheless good and I plan on playing these tracks for a long time to come.

- Review date: 10/26/fifteen, written by Kevin Hoskins of Jesusfreakhideout.com

.Record Label: BC Music
.Album length: 6 tracks: 23 minutes, 23 seconds
.Street Engagement: Oct thirty, 2015
.Buy It: iTunes
.Buy It: AmazonMP3
  1. The Corner Dwellers (4:03)
  2. Time (four:28)
  3. Take Me Dorsum Again (4:16)
  4. The Dream Alive (3:10)
  5. You've Been Written (3:40)
  6. Blue (3:51)

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Source: https://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/cdreviews/TheDreamAliveEP.asp

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