So you've decided to get Destiny 2: New Light. You've fabricated a corking choice! Destiny 2 is a fantastic, well-established game, with tons of players and loads of free content. Y'all'll exist playing for quite a while before you lot even scratch the surface of stuff yous might be tempted to pay for, and if yous're a new role player from the great Steam migration, then you might have already purchased the Shadowkeep expansion and take even more than content to play through.

Merely as much as that massive amount of content is a big strength for Destiny 2, information technology'south also its biggest flaw. There's so much that you lot COULD do in Destiny that it can feel more than a lilliputian overwhelming - specially to brand new players that take never played Destiny earlier.

On summit of that, Bungie'due south new thespian experience is a fiddling bit lacking in near departments. The beginning department where you basically replay the beginning of the original Destiny by killing the behemothic spider walker is good fun and does a decent job of getting the player acquainted with the basic controls, just after that, the New Light quest throws the whole world of Destiny at the player without much of an explanation.

New Light
via Bungie

Worse, the opening stages of New Light can feel aimless, devoid of purpose or fifty-fifty necessary information. New Low-cal just doesn't explain some core concepts, like setting waypoints or how faction resource piece of work. And while you're at it, your compensation and quest tabs make full up with tasks and then fast it's like you lot're playing a speedrun of Skyrim.

Merely about the only affair that New Light does well is give the role player an overview of The Tower, where all the important NPCs are, and familiarizes them with the menu system. Afterwards that, players tin be left afloat in a ocean of content--all of it amazing, but at the same time, paralyzingly intimidating.

That's why we're here to help. Destiny has then much content that it'southward helpful for the player to inquire themselves what they want to do from the very beginning: progress their character, experience the story, or just start killing fools right away. Nosotros'll assistance you with all of them.

Getting Started With New Light

Earth New Light
via Bungie

Right after you practice the Spider Walker intro, you'll get dumped on The Tower and New Light volition directly yous to all the NPCs. Nosotros recommend post-obit New Light's directions to commencement. You'll want to acclimate yourself to the big names like Zavala, Ikora, and Banshee-44, as well as the mailbox dude, Kadi 55-30. Eventually, New Low-cal will ship yous the European Dead Zone (EDZ) where yous'll do some quests for Devrim.

This is likely the bespeak where virtually of you will want to take a chip of a sabbatical. Destiny two has gone through a lot of changes over the years, and while none of that is actually of import for a new thespian to know, it does hateful that Destiny two might have forgotten to explain a few things that are of import.

Commencement, when you drop in the open-world areas of planets, you'll want to figure out how to navigate around. Hit Thousand to bring upward your map. You'll be able to set up waypoints by left-clicking, and if your radar isn't directing yous to your objective information technology probably means that y'all need to create a waypoint on the map. Get used to this as some questlines are broken upwards and require the player to activate the adjacent footstep by going to a specific location on the map--a location that won't always be illuminated, so you'll have to select it as a waypoint.


Another thing that New Light doesn't explain is how all your powers work. If you're in the free-to-play version of Destiny two, you should have all three major subclasses for your master grade, and and so ii specializations for each subclass. If you purchased Shadowkeep you'll take all three specializations. That introductory Spider Walker sequence probably didn't give y'all much fourth dimension to test drive all those different abilities, so now's a great time to give them all a whirl while you're in an open-world expanse with loads of respawning baddies.

Keep following the New Light quest, completing the Introduction: Earth quest at the same time by doing activities and bounties at the EDZ. Use this time to get acquainted with skills, map direction, and finally, how gear progression works. Since Destiny 2 doesn't have traditional levels, everything depends on the gear you find. The college the ability level, the strong your Guardian will become.

Going over how Destiny 2's gear system works is an entirely unlike guide unto itself, so for now, just equip whatever weapons and armor have the highest ability level. You'll discover out near mods and weapon perks later on when they start to matter.

At some betoken, New Light will basically task y'all with achieving a certain ability level. You start at 750, which is plenty to practice most of the content in the game, and the New Light quest will inquire you to get to 770, and so 790. That'll naturally happen as you equip higher-level gear.

It's at this signal in the New Light questline that yous should again stop and enquire yourself a very important question. Destiny 2 can be experienced in many different means, and while following New Light will explore many of them, information technology doesn't explore all of them, nor does information technology exercise so in a way that explains to the actor what they might want to know.

And then enquire yourself: what practise yous want from your Destiny 2 experience?

If Story And Lore Is Important, Play The Legacy Campaigns

D2 - The Red War
via Bungie

Destiny ii'due south original new thespian onboarding procedure was to throw them into The Red War campaign. It's still accessible to new players after they arrive at the Belfry by heading to the shipwright's bay and speaking to Amanda Holiday. She has all the old campaigns, including The Red War, The Curse of Osiris, and Warmind. The Red State of war is the first one, then offset there.

The Red War does a better job of introducing all of Destiny 2's lore than New Light does, and it does a MUCH better task of introducing all the important people. If it's more of import to your experience to exist immersed in the world of Destiny 2, so we highly recommend taking a pause from New Light and getting into Red War as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that The Cerise War won't give you as much gear or feel as your other options, and so at that place's a bit of a sacrifice to be made. Take this path if you're in no bustle and want to go as much of Destiny's rich story as possible. And fifty-fifty if y'all're already level 900, we highly recommend playing through the one-time campaigns at some point.

If Character Progression Is Important, Stick With New Light

New Light
via Bungie

What New Low-cal does well is keeping players on the fast track to getting to level 900 - the first "soft" level cap in Destiny ii. This is washed by ensuring that players achieve a steady path of rewards and experience towards Destiny 2'south seasonal battle laissez passer arrangement. Getting more rewards means faster leveling which means you'll hit the cap sooner.

However, going down this path has some inherent problems. All these personalities you'll exist introduced to won't mean a whole lot and your quest log volition be pages long, not to mention more bounties than you can reasonably do in a single day.

The of import thing here is getting used to having a total quest log. Destiny 2 is a game about choices, where you pick what y'all desire to practise, when you want to do it. Picking New Light will keep you on the path to seeing much of what Destiny has to offer and will keep you grinding away at levels, even though it doesn't tell you much almost the globe or why you're fifty-fifty fighting.

If that'southward fine with yous, then by all means, proceed grinding your way through New Light.

And If PvP Is Important, Play The Crucible

via Bungie

The Crucible is Destiny two's PvP loonshit. It's basically similar taking the whole game and distilling it into a series of Team Fortress matches, only you're Light-wielding Guardians instead of snipers and heavy weapons dudes - although y'all can exist both if you enter The Crucible with a sniper rifle or a rocket launcher.

You'll get introduced to The Crucible by mode of New Light when you're tasked with coming together Lord Shaxx, the somewhat Viking-like Titan in The Tower. There are quite a few rewards associated with playing in The Crucible (particularly if y'all win), so it's certainly not going to stall your progress fighting here instead of playing through New Light.

If you desire to get into The Crucible, be sure to pick upwardly your daily and weekly Crucible bounties to further enhance your rewards/experience progression. Likewise, leveling upwards your Crucible standing by turning in tokens to Mr. Shaxx will net you some sweet gear, and then don't forget to do that in between bouts.

The only problem with The Crucible is that somewhen y'all'll detect yourself against opponents that accept caused improve weapons and armor from different areas of the game. When this starts to happen, you might want to consider taking a break from your Crucibling to head dorsum into the chief game - either by continuing New Lite or by taking a peek at some of Destiny two's legacy campaigns.

What nosotros tin't stress enough is that Destiny ii is a game where the player sets their own path. This is both Destiny'southward greatest forcefulness and greatest shortfall. If you're a histrion that loves being given a great big globe to play in, you'll experience correct at home. For players that might need a scrap more than management, information technology can experience a chip daunting. Nosotros hope this gives you at least somewhat of an idea of where y'all should direct your energies start.

NEXT: Destiny 2: All Vex Offensive Weapons

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